Is it a growth booster dose for the Economy? | Budget FY 2022-23

Union Budget FY 2022-23:

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Today there is the main discussion of union budget all around and at this time the budget is dominated by all the TV channels, all the news channels, and social media. You must have felt very bad about the budget and you must have also wondered how it will affect your life. Just like you make the budget of your family every month with great understanding. 

Similarly, our finance minister also makes the budget of our country and according to its budget, some families are called poor, some are called middle class and some are also called rich. In the same way, the country there is also considered as a rich and poor country according to its budget. From today's budget, you will know whether you will become a citizen of a rich and developed country or a citizen of a poor and weak country in the coming future.

Yesterday the Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman has presented a budget of about 40 lakh crore rupees. This is such a big house of yours like India, in which one hundred and forty crore people live, its one year budget is forty lakh crore rupees. Do you know how much the first budget of our country was in 1947? The first budget of India was only 197 crores. 

Every year there is a drill of the budget and every time that drill is followed by all the people like first of all at 11 a.m. the government presents the budget in the Parliament of the country and when the budget has been presented, after that around 12.30 o'clock the government And its allies and allies call the budget historical and Doordarshan as visionary and says that it is a historical budget.

After sometime around one o'clock in the afternoon the opposition parties and their leaders give their response on the budget and call it a disaster and then after a while, some other parties come and they tell it the budget of industrialists and then anti-farmer and the anti-poor budget is also proved this and it is debated again and again.

Historical Budget or Industrialists Budget:

The government says it is a historical budget, the opposition says it is only the budget of industrialists and nothing for the poor and farmers. So Big leaders become big economists and journalists become budget experts. Like they have prepared this budget, in this country till a day before the budget, if you believe that if there are a thousand experts in this subject, then on the day of the budget, their number reaches one lakh and these people tell themselves to be its master. 

By the time and evening, the big experts of the budget whose number has been in lakhs. He gives his opinion to you everywhere on social media, in every newspaper on every news channel and by the end of the evening, the common man of this country is completely confused and when he does not understand anything, then he turns off his TV. 

He goes to sleep because he has to wake up the next morning and go to his office again. We know you have to go to the office again tomorrow morning but today we will not confuse you. First of all, let us tell you the basic nature of this budget. 

The first thing is this is a futuristic budget i.e. future budget. Such a ledger, in which all the entries are recorded, to determine the condition and direction of India in the future. The economic framework has been fixed in this budget for the next 25 years i.e. till the year 2047 when India will complete the hundred years of its independence and that is why it is being called the budget of the immortal period.

Here are Budget 2022 Highlights:

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It has been announced to increase the expenditure on the road, rail, highway, irrigation projects, and other infrastructure, and a roadmap has been created to present India as a manufacturer rather than a buyer in the world market, which has a very long-term future. You can say these announcements are a growth booster of the economy's vaccine. 

Digital Rupee announced by Sitharaman in Budget:

Apart from being a futuristic budget, this is a budget to make India a big superpower in the digital world. It has been announced to levy 30% tax on the earnings from digital currency and it has also been announced that Reserve Bank of India RBI will launch India's new digital currency this year, so now you can also buy a digital currency from RBI by launching it.

Apart from this, many big announcements have been made for the expansion of digital services in the field of education, health, and defense and now banks will also be linked with the post office of India Post through a digital medium. A new thing will be that the bank and the post office are now connected.

Thirdly, this is the budget to expand the economy of India. Till now, the emphasis was on strengthening the economy in the general budget, but this time priority has been given for its expansion and not for strengthening the economy and for this Make in India self-reliant India. Capital investment has been kept at the center.

Tax Slab

Tax Slab, Fourthly, there is not much change in this budget regarding tax, you do not need to panic, which must have caused some disappointment to the big diameter of our country. However, you have to understand that India's economy is struggling with the corona epidemic for the last two years and during this time a lot of money has been spent to bring the economy back on track. 

And for this, this time no change has been made in the income tax slab, so the issue from which he always wants to know whether any exemption has been given in the income tax slab, then tell that there is any tampering in the income tax slab. It is the same as it was before. 

The government now wants to bring stability to its tax system because this stability will keep the country's economy in its ups and downs. The government wants that all the people who are paying tax, they just keep paying that much tax with stability.

And fifth thing is the budget to take India to a new era, in which no announcement is made keeping in mind the elections. Rather, most of the announcements have been prepared to keep in mind the strength and potential of this country. You can say that this budget will play a big role in taking India and it is economy out of copy-paste theory. 

You can also understand this union budget from the speech of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Since independence, 93 budgets have been presented in 74 years and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today presented her fourth budget which was one hour and 31 minutes long.

Earlier in the year 2020, he gave the longest budget speech in the history of India and it was two hours 42 minutes long i.e. two hours 42 minutes, you understand that a Hindi film is almost as big as his speech. However, this time the speech was of 51 minutes and had a total of 2200 words. Of these, the word digital has been used a maximum of thirty-four times.

In last year's budget speech, this word was used only six times, you can understand why we are saying that this is the budget to make India a superpower in the digital world. The word tax was used 28 times. Last year the word was used 46 times.

Also in the budget speech, 26 times infrastructure 20 times customs 17 times health 12 times coded and only 1 and 12 times the word farmer was used and all these words tell you about the basic nature of this budget, which things were talked about more in the budget.

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