Corona epidemic again in China | Shanghai Lockdown | Affected 26 million people

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Corona again started wreaking crisis in China:

The panic of Coronavirus has increased here again. More than 5 crore people have been imprisoned in their homes. In the last 24 hours, more than 5 thousand cases have been reported in China, which is the highest number of cases in a single day in China so far. On Monday, 5 thousand 280 cases were reported in China.
A day before this i.e. on Sunday, 1337 cases had come. Because of the increasing outbreak of Corona, long-term has been imposed in many areas of China. People have been imprisoned in their homes. Hospitals have been alerted. Because of the increasing number of patients, the number of beds is also being increased. 

In the district, 2 crores 40 lakh people have been imprisoned in their homes. Corona in China is believed to have an impact on the whole world, returning 17.5 million people to Shenzhen. And Again the supply chain could be messed up. The manufacturing route of the world's biggest companies in China is affecting the production of companies like Toyota Volkswagen and Apple returning to China. 

How will coronavirus affect the economy of the China:

Foxconn  production is completely closed, the company that makes phones for Apple. Foxconn's manufacturing plant is in Shenzhen, the city of Shenzhen is a hub of IT companies. This city is also called the Silicon Valley of China. Production is closed at Toyota's plant in the district Xiqing, and also the production of SUVs in this plant. The Foxconn doors are closed in Shenzhen.

This is where the production of the iPhone takes place. Work is closed at three Volkswagen plants in the district. Jiading plant in Shenzhen is closed. While the battery is made here which is used in the car, Unicorn Technology's plants in Shenzhen have also stopped production. Here circuit boards are made. Overall, returning to the coronavirus in China is going to have a huge impact on the whole world, already the whole world is currently struggling with problems in the supply chain.

The semiconductor shortage is yet to be overcome. Car and truck companies around the world will have to pay the cost of return to the coronavirus in China. The city of Shenzhen is also the headquarters of Tencent Holding Limited and Technology. Both these companies account for 11 percent of China's GDP. Both the cities contribute 30 percent of the total exports of China, 20 percent of the cars made in China are produced in Jilin city. 

That is, China's economy can be badly affected in the long term. Looking at the long term, Morgan Stanley has reduced the GDP of China. China's GDP growth can be zero percent in the current quarter. The GDP estimate for the full year has been reduced to 5.5%. Because of the increasing cases in China, India should also be alert from now because the cases of corona are increasing rapidly in countries other than China. 

What restrictions as China imposed on people due to corona?

There has been 3 lakh 62 new cases in South Korea. On the other hand, 14,408 in Indonesia, 35,846 cases in Japan, and 19,742 new cases of corona have been reported in Thailand. That is, India should be alert from Corona from now on. Such a corona wave that China had not seen since the outbreak of the epidemic two years ago. Two days ago, more than 3100 corona patients appeared in China. 

This is the largest figure so far of corona patients who came there in a single day. Forgetting Corona, the attention of the whole world is on the bombs falling there in Ukraine. From Shanghai to the capital Beijing, there is a stir. Has returned in many cities. Northeast East South China has started fighting Corona. Meaning China's zero cover policy has failed, but now it has to make changes in that policy itself.

Today, crores of people are forced to stay in their homes in China. Many schools in China have been closed indefinitely. A complete case came to light in China on Sunday, which is the biggest figure in the last two years. Due to the wave, there has been an outcry in the whole country, but now there has been a tsunami of corona patients in China.

Such a wave has not yet been seen in China. China's worst corona wave in two years is that two days ago three thousand 122 patients of corona appeared in China. You may find it minor to hear this figure, but the condition of China has worsened. Three thousand patients in a day, which Corona had not yet found the huge number of patients in China.

When the world's first lockdown was made in China in January of 2020 due to Corona, to date, the cases of corona in China had never crossed three thousand in a day, but now that record has been broken. Moreover, these are the patient who is the residents of China. This means that it is not that the corona has spread there due to people coming from outside in China. 

What is even more frightening for China is that just before the victims of the outbreak of corona there, for two consecutive days, the cases of corona in China were running above one thousand. These new patients have appeared in 16 provinces of China, including its capital Beijing in its neighborhood, megacities like Shanghai is the only place where the coronavirus originated at the end of 2019 and then spread to the whole world. 

But where the rest of the world lost their sweat in dealing with the corona, the epidemic in China remained under control, so far more than forty-five crore patients of corona have come to the fore in the whole world. More than 60 lakh people lost their lives due to Corona all over the world. But in China, the epidemic will affect the lives of more than four and a half thousand people. 

Now China has lost its senses, now Corona has attacked China in such a way that the water seems to be going above its head. The worst situation is in the Jilin province of Northeast China. The number of corona patients who came there this month has crossed 3,500. The situation has worsened so much that two days ago there was a lockdown, now 90 lakh people are closed in their homes. 

Shops are locked, only supermarkets are open to buying essential goods. Only one member of a family was allowed to move out of the house. That too when buying food items or some other things of many essential and cannot go out even daily. Instead of leaving the house every two days, people are standing in long lines for the corona test even during heavy snowfall. 

So the work of converting an exhibition center into a 1500-bed hospital in the city also started, but the situation just did not worsen in the northeast of China. Shenzhen, its technology hub in the south of China, People of the city have asked to stay at home. Shenzhen city has been facing the corona variants since the end of February, but now the china has closed public transport like bus and metro, asking people to do office work from their homes. 

People did not come out of their homes unnecessarily, so places like cinema halls were also closed. It has been made mandatory for every person leaving the city, and coming to the city to show the corona report within the last 48 hours. More than one hundred and fifty parks were closed so that people did not come out of their homes. Bus service within the city was also suspended. 

Moreover, the fear of crores is such that even the parcels coming from outside are being packed in Shanghai. Earlier this month, China's postal department said that every parcel arriving in Shanghai would be tested for corona so that the virus on its surface would not put people at risk of getting sick. Shanghai facing the worse situation of the coronavirus. China imposed the strict lockdown n shanghai and 26 million people affecting due to the lockdown.

The terror of Corona rising in different parts of China has raised the ears of the administration even in the capital Beijing, instructions have been issued that any person reaching Beijing will neither get up nor sit with the people there for a week and will not take part in any program.

Despite a slight increase in the cases of corona in China, work is being done on a war footing to prevent its outbreak. Due to the new restrictions, more than 50 million people in China are facing the situation of lockdown. Due to this, once again there is a danger of breaking the supply chain around the world.

China bans manufacturing of big companies due to corona epidemic:

In fact, for the prevention of corona, China has imposed many restrictions in its ports and industrial hub of Shenzhen, Shanghai. Shenzhen city is a tax and financial hub located near Hong Kong. There are many manufacturing plants of big global brands here, but due to the increasing crisis of Corona, Foxconn, which makes handsets for Apple, has stopped its plant here. 

Volkswagen and Toyota have also announced the closure of their plants in the affected areas. Such closure of these companies is also bad news for the global economy. This will have a bad effect on the supply chain especially the supply of electronics. On top of this, Foxconn, which is named Spotify with full mini production engine setting. Indian companies will also suffer due to the restrictions imposed for the prevention of corona in China. 

The Indian pharma industry has imported 70%  of the pharmaceutical ingredients from China. Along with this, electronic goods and other chemicals are also imported from China on a large scale. The restrictions imposed in ports and plains will be very difficult for the Indian manufacturing sector. 

China has not kept only the status of the world's factory, but its ports also connect the plants that make most of the smartphones and computers around the world. Last year, Shenzhen was under a month-long lockdown, leading to a stockpiling of thousands of containers. This had dealt a severe blow to the supply chain. In such a situation, companies are hoping that the corona does not spread for the third consecutive year and the economy does not suffer another setback.



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