Do the foods eaten by the mother bother her baby? | 10 Important things for a new mother

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How Breastfeeding Mother's Diet Affects Newborn Baby?

Many things are going on in our minds when we breastfeed the baby. When we ate something sour or spicy and the baby got sick. But we do not know that what we eat first goes to our stomach. There, its digestion takes place in the stomach and the nutrients that remain in it go into our blood circulation and its filtration becomes milk.

That's why our milk does not turn sour when we ate such kind of food, but we are going to know that in this blog. Does the mother also get disturbed by eating some type of food, but sometimes whatever the mother eats, a small amount of the substance goes into the milk and disturbs the baby. 

But sometimes we have a history of allergies in our family, and then this problem can happen to the baby. When we take cow's milk, or then we take buffalo milk. Baby cries inexplicably whenever we have tea, coffee, or sometimes take eggs and we feed the baby. After feeding it starts in the stomach of the baby or there is pain starts and the baby crying. 

Sometimes the baby starts crying in the evening, but it is very difficult to advise the mother, what things are causing trouble to the baby, so we have to tell the mother only. They have to pay attention to what food they have consumed, if the baby is upset than they have to stop that type of food for two weeks, which is not suitable for baby .

How long should a breastfeeding mother take care her food for her baby?

Actually we do not have to take these substances for six months, which is not good for new born baby then the baby remains healthy. If you are told that after consuming your milk, your baby has this problem, then you should not stop breastfeeding at all, but you have to be very careful that those things which cause problems, that is what you have to stop . 

Many times it also happens that when we consume milk, it hurts baby and when the doctor tell the mother, the mother keeps saying that when there is no milk, then how can I feed the baby? The doctors have to say on this. For example, cows do not drink milk themselves, yet they produce milk. 

Yes, milk increases by drinking milk, but only by drinking milk, milk will increase and if you do not drink milk, then milk will not be produced. This is a complete misunderstanding. Sometimes it has also been seen that when the mother eats onions, takes asparagus, takes vanilla milk, its taste is sometimes found in milk.

But the surprising thing is that the baby likes very much and the baby remains satisfied with after drinking it. But it has also been seen that many children cry more than normal children. They cry without reason. But that doesn't mean it. If there is a problem in their stomach or their stomach is not full, they keep crying even after filling their stomach, then those babies need body contact , that's why such babies have to be kept in their lap for a long time. 

Sometimes even after filling the stomach, many of these babies suck their thumbs or suck their fingers, they are satisfied by for a longer time, these babies need more contact and after seeing this the baby cry without The reason. Within a couple of months the baby gets better and starts behaving well.

10 important things should know the breastfeeding mother:

If you have become a first time mother, than 10 important things should know the breastfeeding mother, which advised every doctor to a mother. First of all, the mother's milk, whether it is thin or thick, whether it is white, yellow or blue, is important food for the baby, that is why after birth, the baby should not be given water and honey .

Second Important Thing: 

After the birth of the baby, a yellow thick secretion comes out of the breast in the first 48 hours to the mother, who is suitable for the baby. There is a very good amount of proteins in it, which remain more than breast milk; there are a lot of antibodies in this, which protect children from infection.

The third important thing: 

We can feed the baby in any position, we can breastfeeding done while sitting, we can get it done in the reclining position. The most important thing is that the position of the baby that is comfortable to hold the breast should be correct and the baby should be comfortable. But the most important thing in this is that the black portion of the breast which we call Arizona should remain inside the entire baby care mouth of Arizona.

Fourthly important thing:

When the baby have feeding, then sometimes the baby remains calm with the eyes closed, then we have an idea that the baby has drunk a good amount of milk. And then we try to sleep the baby but we have to remember this, that the Breastfeeding is an exercise for the baby. 

So the baby saves a little nap and therefore sleeps lightly but the nipple remains in the baby's mouth, which means the feeding of the baby is not completed yet. Sometimes it also happens that when the baby sleeps, we guess that the milk of this breast is over and that's why after weaning the baby, we put it on the other breast, but we also do not have to do this.

5th Important Thing:

When the baby releases the nipple on its own it means that it has lost its combination of breasts and the baby still won't find it, then the baby has to give us the second-best sound.

6th Important thing:

There are two types of breast milk; one remains foremilk and the other remains hindmilk. When the baby starts breastfeeding drinking, then it remains a little thin, it remains slightly blue, we call it foremilk. Proteins are present in it, minerals are present, but the amount of water remains high, but what they get in the last, we call it hindmilk, it remains white and remains slightly thick and the amount of fat in it remains high. After taking this hindmilk, the baby gets satisfied, that's why giving both a breast fore milk and hindmilk to the baby is good for the baby and the nutrition of the baby is good as well as the important thing.

7th important thing:

When the baby is satisfied with a level, then when we have to feed the next time we have to remember that we do not have to give milk from the first breast. The second time we feed, the baby has to be fed from the second breast before the second level.

8th  important thing : 

When we feed the baby from the same side, the level of that side remains a little bigger and the level of the other side remains a little smaller , the size of both become different, that's why the baby should be given both breastfeeding .

9th important thing:

Sometimes we feel right that the baby likes milk of only one side and if we offer the other breast, then the baby does not take that breast. We take this as an idea that the baby likes breast milk, but we should know that the milk comes in both breasts.

When they also do not accept the milk from the other side, it means that the baby is not comfortable in that position the way you have held the baby and the baby does not have to stay in that position for a long time, so he rejects the breast feeding.

10th most important thing:

Even after we breastfeed the baby, our breast remains heavy. But when this breast is heavy, then we have to express that milk to take out because if that milk remains inside the breast like this, then both the breasts will become heavy.

And then the next time when you try to feed the baby, the baby will feel a lot of difficulties and this combination is such that when it goes into the breast, then the chances of getting breast pus increases in it and sometimes in this situation Surgery also has to be done, that's why we have to express or taking out the milk that remains after breastfeeding. So today we have learned 10 important things related to breastfeeding that every mother should know, if you have any questions about it, then definitely write to us.


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