7 things which we should eat to live a healthy and balanced life | Eat 'well' and live 'well'

Why a balanced diet is important for a healthy and balanced life? 

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Today we will analyze that fat in the body can make you very sick not just sick. The world's largest study on nutrients missing from the plate of food has been done in Norway. This says that if a person changes his diet by adding nutritious and good food, and keeping a proper distance from fast food, then he can increase his life up to 13 years. It is considered to be the world's first and most effective study of this kind because it has analyzed in detail the food consumed in 204 countries of the world. 

And studied a total of 369 diseases and 286 health-related causes, Because of which people die. That is, every aspect has been carefully examined in the study and a solution has also been told in it, which can fulfill the desire of humans to live longer. This study has been done under an international program called Global Burden of Series, in which 3,600 scientists from 145 countries have worked. 

According to this, if a person eats legumes like beans and peas in the food every day, and his food plate contains green and leafy vegetables and dry fruits like walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, then that person remains more healthy and his life is also long. Apart from this, it is very necessary to eat 1 to 2 cups of fruits and whole grains for long life. 

If a man includes balanced diet in his food plate at the age of 20 and follows it regularly every day, then the age of such a person can increase up to 13 years. If a woman includes this nutritious food on her plate at the age of 20, then her life can increase up to 10 years. Apart from this, people who are elderly and whose age is more than 60 years can also follow it. That is, the time has not yet come for them too. 

Even at the age of 60, if fruitful things, green vegetables, and dry fruits are consumed in a balanced diet, then it can increase life by nine years. Whereas elderly women of the same age can increase their age by up to eight years by doing so. Well, it is said that life is fleeting or is about to end in a few moments. But this study shows that if your diet is nutritious and you are a vegetarian, then life can be luxurious and healthy for a moment.

However, in today's era, there is also a challenge that now people have become used to eating not only nutritious food but tasty food with more salt and more sugar. This habit has been introduce by those multinational companies whose business depends on how much unhealthy food people can eat every day. For example, the smallest pizza, also known as mini pizza, is available for only ₹39, but it contains 10 grams of fat. 

Whereas on average, one kilogram of apples comes from INR 100 to 150 in India. They are rich in vitamins. It is meant to say that in today's era it is very cheap to spoil health and it is a bit expensive to stay healthy and take nutritious food. You must have often heard the elders say that the purity of food was there in our times and this is also true. Earlier people easily lived for 80 to 100 years.

But now the uncertainty is so much that a person cannot say with full guarantee that the diet he is consuming throughout the day, and his lifestyle will lead to a long life. this study also mentions this in one place. According to this, people who are fond of eating non-vegetarian food prefer to eat processed meat i.e. canned meat.
They get diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, and high cholesterol at an early age. 

By the way, a person in the whole world consumes an average of 42 kilograms of meat in a year. If we talk about the whole world, Although its average in India is only four and a half kilograms, if this scientific report is taken as the basis and people all over the world adopt vegetarianism even once a week, then the situation can be improved a lot.

The essence of this whole study is that if discipline is brought into the habit of eating, and the emphasis is on eating nutritious elements in it, then diseases can be overcome. If you take such a balanced diet, which is rich in fresh vegetables. If you eat well then your life increases at least around 10 years.

Especially up to 10 years in women and up to 13 years in men, the age has also increased, it is not very important to live longer, quality of life is also very important if you live long enough with diabetes, and on dialysis, you are in bed or are infected with paralysis. Then it's not a quality of life for anyone. In a recent study, it was seen that women if we take vegetarian food. And add fruits, vegetables, and all these minerals to her diet. In that case, the age of a woman can increase. 

The different roles of 7 things, play in maintaining a healthy life:

Maintaining of a healthy body is like baking the delicious cake. We need the right proportion of ingredients to ensure the cake is delicious. So what is the balanced diet that our body required? There are seven major food groups. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. Do you know what types of food, we get these different groups from? 

Now we will talk about the different roles these groups play in maintaining a healthy body:


Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and also give us calcium and vitamins B. They should make up the largest proportion of our diet, and whole grains are particularly good because they also provide fiber. Our body required energy to survive, and if we don't eat the carbohydrate, then our body will break down protein instead, which means taking protein from our muscles to provide the energy for our body. So eat carbohydrates to save your muscles.


Proteins are strong, powerful little molecules. Proteins control every single function of our cells and organs, and are the building blocks of life. Proteins provide us with the means to grow and repair. Proteins are made from smaller units which are called amino acids. The human body can't make nine of these amino acids, So we have to take these nine amino acids from our diet.
This is the important part. Animal-based proteins have a large range of these nine amino acids. In they are more complete protein sources. Whereas plant-based products, although they can be high in protein, they often don't have a large range of different types of amino acids from one source. But actually, proteins are very important for a healthy, balanced diet. 


We need fats for growth, development, and to just function in our body. Fats are used for cell functions and they must be taken in through the food, as our body can't make the fats. They insulate our nerve cells. They're in our cell membranes, they transport vitamins, and they're found in steroid hormones. Fats are necessary for a healthy and balanced diet. So remember everyone that fats don't make you fat. Eating too many calories does vitamins.



Vitamins are necessary for growth, and for us to function normally. We cannot make them, so we must take them in through our diet. We only need them in tiny amounts and provide you with a varied diet balanced in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruit, and vegetables, you almost definitely have them in ample amounts. If our bodies are deficient in any vitamins, then it affects badly of our health. So make sure you eat a very unbalanced diet.



Minerals are essential. They are vital for the United States of America to make sturdy bones and teeth, blood, skin, hair, etc. They're involved in nerve function, and muscles, and for metabolic processes to be healthy to grow and repair we need minerals just like vitamins. If you eat a varied and balanced diet, then chances are you're taking in the minerals that you need. Usually youngsters, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and older individuals got to modify their intake of bound minerals



This indigestible carbohydrate is very important for our intestines. They balance out the fat and carbohydrate absorption so that we don't have sudden energy surges. They regulate internal organ movements and facilitate to hurry up the removal of waste and toxins. Fiber equals a happy gut although it does come with one little warning. 

If you're eating fibrous food you must also drink lots of water because fiber can dehydrate you, which leads us perfectly to the importance of water. The fact that we're about two-thirds water goes to show just how important the liquid of life is. Water keeps our blood flowing. It maintains the health and strength of all of our cells. It eliminates waste products from metabolism.


We use it to regulate our body temperature by sweating. About 20% of our water intake comes from our food and then we need to make sure we're drinking once properly. Most people have headaches, caused because they are dehydrated. So get the glass of water and start drinking. The simple thing to remember is to have a varied diet and that you intake lots of water.

A balanced diet is a key to healthy living:

We have all been used to the foods You Must not eat list, haven't we? For several years we have heard people tell us not to eat this, and not to Cook that food, the list is endless. We decided to make life easier by compiling a list of balance diet that must be part of your lifestyle. So let's start with dry fruits like walnuts, almonds, pistachio, and peanuts in the health list, dry fruits are a great source to make the heart-healthy. They are all great healthy snacks options that satisfy hunger.


Vegetable Juice:  

Most people don't like to eat green vegetables daily. Hence, having a glass of freshly created vegetable juice is that the best thanks to cleanse your system. It helps in infusing vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and is a moment energy booster furthermore; it also helps in weight loss. Yogurt, A Bowl of food, daily keeps all health issues away. It’s a good source of calcium, and it’s also rich in potassium, zinc, vitamin-B12, and protein also. It reacts like a cooling agent for our body.



Eggs are one of the nutrient densest foods. Eggs help boost health and prevent diseases. From avoiding heart illness to being a good source of antioxidants that protects the eyes. Eggs have innumerable health benefits. They are an excellent source of vitamins and are also rich in iron and phosphorus, essential for healthy bones and teeth. Eggs are also easy to prepare and very delicious. 

For vegetarians, pulses are the best to consume protein. Proteins are the main building blocks of our body and its very  important part in every diet. Ever wondered why consume extra protein? It helps them bulk up muscles and organ builders. Protein contributes to weight loss by reducing appetite and thus reducing calorie intake.

Flax Seeds:

flax seeds known to keep conditions ranging from acne to anemia at Bay. Most fitness enthusiasts are aware of the benefits of proteins and fiber. Since flaxseeds provide both, they should be consumed daily. It also provides Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and micronutrients and reduces the risk of cancer. Fruits prune or dried plumps contain vitamins and minerals, including iron and potassium, that helps relieve constipation and prevent obesity.



No one wants such a life, so if we want to improve our lifestyle and at the same time increase our age. Then we will shift to the vegetarian side, and we should take care that there are many colorful vegetables in your food, and fruits, beetroot, etc. It will save us from all those diseases. And will save from disability, will improve the quality of life. First, foremost, we should know what food fruits and vegetables and proteins should be on one our plates. 

We should know which things should be available in our balanced diet, and then, first, foremost, we have to keep in mind that, what is our plate has half portion which will be the best vegetable fruits. You should know the cooking method; we also have to take care of it. Like whatever we are doing when we should not cook vegetables too much so that their nutrients are not exhausted.  If you have any questions why not check out our site, www.tradeipohub.co.in.


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