How many steps are right to walk? | Can too much walking affect your joints?

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How many steps are right to walk? 

Do you also keep a target of 10,000 steps daily? Are you also rubbing your heels by walking? Have doctors ever claimed that if you want to be healthy, and then walk 10,000 steps? Let us clear your confusion today.

When a child takes his first steps, parents get a lot of happiness, and after birth, we go on walking. Then it is said that at least 7,500 steps should be walked in a day. That is about six kilometers in a day. Accordingly, by the end of our lives, we would all have walked some 1,75,000 steps. 

Now if you walk so much, then at some point or the other, the pain will start in the knees and especially in the ankles. Then what to do to avoid this, so that our life keeps running without stopping. Today we will tell you, where the story of 10,000 steps started. So it happened in 1962 that Tokyo was about to host the Olympic Games, and as is often the case. 

A year before the Olympics, a lot of discussion starts around everyone. Then the same thing happened in Japan. People were told how bad their lifestyle was. The matter increased so much that people of that era started doing fitness trends without social media. And when the Olympics were over, a Japanese watchmaker made the world's first pedometer

This was not compact like today's fitness bands, it was worn at the waist which was used to count your steps. The name of this speedometer was Manpo-kie which means  10,000 steps. It had become very popular among the people in the fitness industry, it has set the target of fitness, and seeing this trend has been going on all over the world which is going on till date, but this number is not scientific or research-based anywhere.

In 2019, research was finally done on this at Harvard University, which showed that more than 7,500 steps have no significant benefit. You can walk to walk, but only 2,000 - 4,000 steps can give you the benefit. Therefore, there is no need to stress yourself too much, because walking too much can have a very bad effect on your joints. Especially on your heels.

Can too much walking affect your joints?

Do you know, Achilles was considered the most powerful warrior in Greek mythology. It is said that when the Trojan War took place, the enemy's weapons had no effect on Achilles and that too because his mother had dipped him in the holy river Styx. His mother held him by heels. Because of this, the rest of the body became iron, but the heels remained weak. In the war, Achilles was killed by shooting a poisoned arrow on his heels.

But why we are talking about Greek mythology? Because it is the Achilles tendon tissue of our ankles. The Achilles tendon is the tissue that connects our muscles to our bones and the Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tissue present in our body, it carries a lot of weight our body. That's why it is named after the Greek god Achilles.

Whether we are walking or running or jumping. An Achilles tendon constantly takes care of us when we bend our foot, it stretches and prepares itself for the next movement of our body. It acts like some coil spring, so it is a matter of Achilles tendon, there are some 4,000 tendons in the human body. They help us with everything. In catching something or even chewing food. The structure of these tendons is such that makes them flexible.

They contain proteins called collagen and elastin, which together form fibers. Some tendon tissue has a protective covering over them, but there is only a layer of skin over the Achilles tendon and nothing else. Where the tendons' joints meet are small sacs filled with fluid called the bursa.

They save us from swelling and pain in the joints. The blood supply to the tendon is also very less, unlike the rest of the tissue. So if they get hurt, they take a long time to recover. So do not ignore heel pain at all. We have talked about the story of Japan and after that the Greek mythology, Now your general knowledge has also increased. So let's increase your general knowledge a little bit more.

Humans started with apes, earlier we used to walk on four legs. Slowly we started standing straight and walking on two legs. Speed shows that in the evolution process, our feet became rigid, due to which we could walk upright. Another thing that makes us different from animals is the arch shape of the soles of our feet, whereas the rest of the mammals are flat-footed.

The structure of bones and muscles from the feet to the head helps us to stand upright. One in ten people is flat-footed. That is, their feet are completely flat. In such a situation, the doctor instructs to put special insoles inside the shoes, flat-footed people find it difficult to find comfortable shoes, and they start feeling pain in the feet, which also fills in the legs.

When we walk, the collagen fibers contact the Achilles tendon. If these fibers break, then the body immediately starts repairing these fibers. To support the torn fiber, he hastily starts making new fibers that start growing anywhere. Then these fibers can get their nutrition. 

For this, the blood also somehow finds a way and reaches them and this is where the mess happens. Due to the accumulation of blood here, the tendon breaks and we start feeling pain. In this condition, the tendons lose their flexibility completely and hence they get injured more easily.

This often happens with players because in every game some specific muscle is used more. That's why you keep getting hurt there again and again, but don't let yourself get hurt, walk as much as you are comfortable with. If you have flat feet then avoid wearing heels and take care of your feet and your health.

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