Why does our body need water? | Importance of water in our life.

Why does our body need water?

Today we will talk about water, and why is water so important to us? Did you know that 65% of our body is water? That is, if someone's weight is 100 kg, then out of 100, 65 kg is water in your body. It's a wonderful thing, and if there is not that much water then what will happen. Let us know in today's article.

When someone cries we give him water, have you ever wondered why? If someone faints, first water is sprinkled on him, then water is given. Even if someone gets irritated, we say keep calm and drink water, have you ever thought about why?

Let's try to find the answer to why. There is so much water on Earth that it is called the Blue Planet. There is water in the sea, in rivers, in springs, and here where water is not visible, that is, we humans also have water. But everyone's body has a different amount of water.

For example, about 65% of the body of an adult is water. Whereas young children are 80% water. As we age, the amount of water decreases in our body. The body of the elderly consists of only 50% water. That is, on average, we carry about 45 liters of water with us all the time. Water is very essential for the structure of our body. 

There are cells called Erythrocytes in the blood. If they do not get water, they shrivel and die. Similarly, if our muscles do not get water, they can shrink up to 70%. And the same will be the case with our brain because the brain is also made up of 70% water. Amazing, 70% of our brain is water and 70% of the earth is also water. By the way, you must know the importance of water for the earth. 

The importance of water in our life:

Let us understand, what is the importance of water for the body. What happens when the water balance in the body gets disturbed? First of all, a headache starts in your head. When a headache, people start drinking tea and coffee to relieve from the headache, while tea and coffee dehydrate you and you need hydration i.e. water, for every 20 kg body weight you need one liter of water.

So if you weigh 80 kg, then you should drink four liters of water throughout the day. For those who do not do this, their mouth remains dry. In such a situation, the smell starts coming from your mouth, you start constipation. Your skin is always dry, your nails keep breaking. Apart from this, you feel tired and all of the above you become irritable.

You can try this with your little one, as soon as he starts cranky, then give him water. But you give it toffee and chocolate means dehydration. Consuming sugar simply out of love turns an innocent child into a dreaded animal. Then how does drinking water change the mood?

Water is more important than the water we use in our everyday life. Water is very important for many processes of the human body. Water plays many important roles in the body. It works to transport nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body.

The part of the blood called plasma is also water. About 55% of the blood is made up of plasma and the remaining 45% is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. If there is no water, then our immune system will also stall. 

Apart from this, water also works to remove waste from the body. Through urination, the kidney filters this water, and when it is not needed, it removes it with urine. In this way at least one and a half liters of water comes out of the body every day, that is why water should be kept on drinking. 

The body also needs water to absorb nutrients from food. That is, only then the body will feel the food. If you drink the right amount of water. Water helps break down the food you eat into smaller parts. After this, together with water, these nutrients reach different parts of the body. Some nutrients are water-soluble. If water is not available, then nutrients will come out of the body as it is. 

During the summer season, the need for water increases even more. Water prevents the body from heating up. When we feel hot, the body expels salt and water from the skin in the form of sweat. Since the temperature of the skin is increased due to heat, the sweat evaporates and the body cools down. Overall, if there was no water, we humans would not exist.

If human beings are without water then nothing will happen on earth. That's why everyone says water is life. For us as well as for our earth. And if you do not drink water, you will gain weight. If the weight increases, then there will be more diseases, then if you want to save your health, definitely drink water.

We hope you like the article "Why does our body need water? | Importance of water in our life." So if you want to keep healthy then drink water. If you have any questions, please comment on our site www.tradeipohub.co.in. Thanks for reading.

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