How social media is pushing you towards depression? | Why does 15% of mental health issues in the world account in India?

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How social media is pushing you towards depression?

There have been many such researchers, such studies, and such findings that establish a direct relationship between depression and social media. It is no longer just a concept but has become a bitter reality. Which most people are probably unaware of. According to a study by the National College Health Assessment Survey conducted in the US, depression, irritability, and other problems are increasing in people due to excessive use of social media.

Due to this the social life of the people is badly affected. Today we will discuss this issue so that we will understand how and how much social media is affecting our mental health and how slow our physical activity has slowed down as well as how badly it is affecting our mental health. Is there any way to avoid addiction to social media or not?

Hollywood actor Tom Holland, who plays Spider-Man, has created a flutter by announcing a break from Instagram and Twitter. Tom Holland said, he gets upset seeing the posts written about him on social media. This affects their mental health. That is excessive use of social media has now become a real disease. A study has claimed that people who spend too much time on social media show signs of anxiety and loneliness and depression.


The study said that excessive use of Facebook increased the risk of depression by 7% and the risk of irritability by 20%. In where research, it has been found that reducing its use also reduces these symptoms. Especially children and youth consider the virtual life of social media as real life and they become victims of depression as well as fear of missing out.

An interesting thing has come to the fore in the study that 20% of users feel as if they have lost their job if they do not use Facebook. A study by the US centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the suicide rate in the 10- to 24-year age group was stable from 2000 to 2007, but saw a 57% increase between 2007 and 2017.

With the advent of social media, depression in children increased rapidly. The habit of living in virtual life and the danger of missing out compel him to commit suicide many times. Not only this, children, as well as elders, are not able to escape from this danger. In another study, it has been said that the addiction to being constantly active on social media is increasing the disease of insomnia.

People check their social media accounts when they wake up at night. Sometimes their sleep disappears, which increases their irritability. Apart from this, people are becoming a victim of laziness and lethargy by giving a lot of time on social media. Children and youth are becoming victims of obesity due to being busy with their mobiles instead of doing physical activity or sports with friends.

This habit limited the social circle. Loneliness is increasing. It is having a bad effect on mental health. If you want to avoid this, then decide to spend time on social media. Keep notifications disabled and at least use social media apps. Your thinking habit can give you peace.


Why does 15% of mental health issues in the world account in India?

Giving employees a good environment in the office and keeping them away from stress can prove beneficial for companies. Recently Deloitte did a mental health survey. According to this survey, stressed workers take frequent leave and this puts a burden of $ 14 billion on Indian companies. How does the mental health of employees affect the performance of the company? Let us know in this article.


If the employees are happy then the growth of the company also increases manifold. If the employee is going through stress, then it can cost the company growth of billions. It's not us, Deloitte's survey is saying. Deloitte India surveyed more than 4000 employees. It was revealed in this survey that due to poor mental conditions, employees take leave frequently. Due to stress, their performance is affected and sometimes the employee leaves the job.

Due to this, the burden on Indian companies is increasing by about $ 14 billion annually. According to Deloitte's Mental Health Survey, cases of mental health problems have increased rapidly around the world in the past few years. It has increased further with the arrival of the corona pandemic. According to the WHO, India accounts for about 15% of mental health problems in the world.

A Deloitte India survey has revealed that about 47% of professionals have attributed the deterioration of their mental health to workplace stress. Along with this, the financial crisis and challenges related to Corona have also been attributed. Mental stress comes in many ways, and it affects both the personal life and professional life of every person. 

According to the survey, in the last year, 80% of the employees have reported having mental health problems. It has been revealed in the survey that despite being under stress, 33% of the people went on full 29% of the job and 20% of the people left the job. According to the WHO, there is an estimated loss of one trillion dollars in India between 2012 and 2030 due to mental stress. 

Emphasis has been laid on increasing awareness about mental health in the survey. Overall, if the employees are happy, then the growth of the company will also be faster. This means, giving a good environment to the employees, and keeping them away from stress will prove to be beneficial not only for the employees but also for the companies.


NCERT has issued guidelines regarding the mental health of children:


Children spend most of their time in school. Children spend a third of the day and 220 days of the year in school. A school is a place where children meet different people as well as go through different experiences. In such a situation, the mental health of the children should be in better condition. For this, now the schools have started gearing up and exercise has been done for this.


The National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) has issued guidelines in this regard. NCERT has issued guidelines regarding the mental health of children. According to the guideline, work will have to be done in schools to keep the health of the children better. A panel will be formed to monitor mental health in schools. In addition, school-based mental health programs will also be run.


In these programs, along with educational support, the parents of the children will also have to be included. It has been said in the instructions that teachers will also have to keep an eye on the changing behavior of the children. Many things have to be taken into account including separation, anxiety, school refusal, stress, depression, and excessive internet use in children. 

NCERT issued these guidelines after the survey, in which it was revealed that children suffer from stress due to studies, examinations, and results. NCERT itself surveyed about 3, 80,000 children in classes 6 to 12. In this survey, all aspects related to the mental health of children were discussed. Questions were raised and 81% of the children surveyed cited exam results as reasons for stress. 

84% considered not doing well in studies as the reason. Only 55% of the children surveyed were satisfied with their performance. More than 28% of children said they were hesitant to ask questions, and 43% admitted to having mood swings. 

Now the NCERT released the guidelines regarding the mental health of children, there is an expectation that the mental health of the children will be worked on more closely and it will help in providing a stress-free environment to the children.





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