Is China on the way to destruction? Are the rumors true, Xi Jinping is in trouble?

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Is China on the way to destruction?

Napoleon once said that China is the sleeping lion of Asia and if it wakes up, it will shake the whole world. China woke up and shook the whole world with its economic and strategic power in the last 30-40 years, but now the star of China seems to be dimming. As an economic power, the threat facing China is very serious. The world was already upset with China but was not united.

Then came covid, and the world lost its sleep. China had the supply chain in the world till now. Now the effort to shift it has started in China. Although the deepening economic crisis in front of China is being gauged from many things, now a forecast of the World Bank seems to be confirming this. The World Bank has said that for the first time since 1990, China will lag behind the rest of the countries of Asia in terms of economic growth.

The World Bank has largely attributed the reason to Xi Jinping's zero covid policy and the ongoing crisis in the property sector. The World Bank has lowered China's growth forecast to 2.8%. In April this year, the World Bank expected China to grow at a rate of 4 to 5%. In contrast, China's economy grew by 8.1% from 2021-22.

Now if we look at the World Bank's estimates, then China's growth will be about 5.3% less than last year. On the one hand, China's growth projections are being reduced. At the same time, rating agencies have raised growth projections for the rest of Asia except China. That is, the growth of the rest of Asia is expected to accelerate. Asia is expected to grow at 5.3% in 2022-23.

Last year this figure was 2.6%. Growth is gaining strength on the back of a revival in domestic consumption. It is not that the World Bank and other rating agencies are reducing China's growth forecast. The Chinese government has also lowered its growth forecast for 2021-22 to 5.5%. According to a report in Financial Times, China's growth outlook has deteriorated sharply in the last six months.

China's property contributes 30%to the country's GDP. Companies like Evergrande have failed to pay their debts. It's not that China isn't trying to deal with it. China has cut rates to increase demand and has also issued a stimulus package of $146 billion. Now it remains to be seen how effective these steps prove to be. At present, economic difficulties seem to be overshadowing China's efforts.

Are the rumors true, Xi Jinping is in trouble?

Chinese President Xi Jinping has been trending on social media for a few days. What is the news about Xi Jinping, if you hear then you will probably be shocked. But this time the discussion is going on about his disappearance. Xi Jinping has not been seen in public places for several days. Xi Jinping was last seen in Uzbekistan at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting.

Due to the absence of Xi Jinping, many speculations started on social media. After which, if seen all over social media, many Twitter handles are telling many stories of the disappearance of Xi Jinping. Rumors on social media are that there has been a coup in China and Xi Jinping has been placed under house arrest.

Such videos were also being shared from many Twitter handles, in which the military movement in Beijing is being claimed. However, if you look closely at these photographs and some videos, nothing much is known or they do not confirm the claims being made on social media. The rumor about the Chinese President also started when a journalist who reached America after fleeing China made many claims on Twitter. 

The journalist claimed that a large number of flights were canceled in China for no reason. Many people started questioning Xi Jinping regarding this claim. Experts also questioned the claims of the coup regarding the disappearance of Xi Jinping and rejected these claims outright. Many experts also say that there has been no coup in China, nor is there any such possibility for any reason.

The quarantine rules are also being cited behind Xi Jinping's disappearance from public events. Experts say that there is a rule of quarantine in China, due to which Xi Jinping cannot be public, but on the other hand, the question is also coming whether there is any kind of refutation of the rumors about Xi Jinping. 

Neither of the government of China has come from the media found in China, which is the state media. The media of China comes out with its opinion on every matter. Should not the Chinese media or the Chinese government or the spokespersons of the Chinese government have bothered to refute the rumors which are hot on the social media market, then the needle of suspicion is going in many directions.

And that is why it is being said that even if there has not been a coup, even if Xi Jinping has not been in quarantine, something is going on. What's going on now? The situation will be clear in the coming days. We hope that the discussions which are going on at the moment are rumors and the assumptions being made. The discussions that Xi Jinping has about China's politics will be cleared and the rumors will be refuted.

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