Do you not feel full even after eating on a full stomach? | How to keep our digestive system on track?

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Why do you still feel hungry after eating a lot?

The festivals have arrived. You people who eat a lot of sweets and after eating they also say that man, the stomach is full, but there is something else that is filled in the mind. Now, why don't the stomach and mind decide among themselves that if one is filled, the other should also be filled? 

We will not get confused. Let us clarify today the confusion of mind and stomach. When the child is born, the doctor says that feeding it every two hours, in no time the child's cycle becomes such that he feels hungry every two hours. As the child grows up, this time gap keeps on increasing. 

But you must have noticed that the time of hunger of children is fixed and even if we adults do not eat snacks, then we too feel hungry on time. But how does the body decide that now there is a need to eat something? Let us know in this article.

How does the brain tell us that now you are hungry?

Suppose our body is a machine. It needs fuel. If you give it more fuel than necessary, it saves it fat. Food is digested in the stomach and intestines, which are connected to the brain through blood vessels. How much fuel is made in our body is monitored, this level is higher than the blood sugar level when our stomach is full. 

The brain gets a signal that the tank is full. Then as the level goes down. We start getting hungry. If the fuel runs out all of a sudden, the blood sugar level drops completely and a siren starts ringing inside the brain that something big has gone wrong. When the stomach is empty, hunger hormones are released in it. 

It sends signals to the brain and the brain puts the body in hunger mode. For this, a part of the brain called the hypothalamus makes such proteins, due to which we start feeling hungry. In this way, the body understands that it is time to eat. Then as we eat food, the walls of the stomach start expanding. Sensors in these walls send signals to the brain. 

Along with this, those hormones are also activated which tells the brain that now the stomach is full. Tell the body to stop eating, but the mind does not stop us so quickly. First of all, he checks if we are not filling our stomachs by drinking only water. Whether the fuel for the work has come or not. If it has come, then the hormones of the second category are activated. 

If you have taken carbohydrates i.e. roti, bread, etc. then the sugar level increases and the third category of hormone is activated, which is named insulin, which prevents the sugar level from increasing too much. The fats that you take with food activate the fourth type of hormones, which helps the brain to keep a record of all the new and old fats present in the body.

Proteins tell every important part of the brain that you should not eat any more food. This whole process takes about 20 minutes. That is why it is said that food should be eaten comfortably. The brain is unable to register the biscuit salty that you eat on the go. But when you sit comfortably and eat food with a plate decorated, then the brain gives you the full feeling of filling your stomach.

That is, if you want to eat full of heart, then it takes a little 20 minutes to eat Gulab Jamun slowly, then you consume calories, but the mind does not realize that it is filling the stomach. When kept in front of your favorite, you start eating food very quickly. Instead of 20, you have eaten so much in 10 minutes that the stomach starts feeling full, but the mind does not.

Another big disadvantage of eating fast food is that you carry a lot of air in the stomach along with eating. So when we eat food, while chewing it, air also goes inside along with the food. Also, when food is digested inside the stomach and intestines, some gas is formed during that time. Every day some two liters of gas are released from our body and this is normal. 

How to keep our digestive system on track?

First of all, if you need to go to the toilet, do not restrain yourself under any circumstances and once you go, do not spend too much time in the toilet. Second, How much water does our body need in a day? So keep drinking water. Eat food rich in fiber. That is, apart from roti, a lot of pulses, vegetables, and fruits, and the fourth thing is to keep walking. If you do all this, then you will be able to stay away from constipation. 

Research shows that about 15% of people have frequent constipation problems. As age increases, this problem also increases. To avoid this, you have to increase the amount of fiber and water. Isabgol is given in case of stomach upset or constipation because the amount of fiber in it is very high. But attention is also needed here because too much fiber can cause problems. 

This can cause bloating or gas problems. So if you are struggling with this, then reduce the consumption of bread. Also, stay away from things like onions, garlic, and cabbage. Instead, eat rice, corn, nuts, tomatoes, and grapes. Even after two to three months of making such changes in food, if the effect is not visible, then definitely consult a doctor. 

One thing is certain, both our physical and mental health depends on what and how much we are eating. If we do not eat right, then hormones will give some opposite signal to our brain. We are very touchy about food. Like, Jalebi is not good for health. On hearing this, people immediately start commenting that why they do not say this about Pizza and burgers.

Junk food is bad for health. Everyone knows this and what is the use of repeating what you know? The advantage is when you accept all this. Like pizza and pasta, samosas, and kachoris are also junk food because they are refined flour and deep fried, but pizza is still baked. 

Yes, sometimes there is no harm in eating, than enjoying the festivals. Eat sweets, but in such a way that along with the stomach, the mind is also filled. If you like the article, please comment on our site Thanks for reading.


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