Why is the number of young people increasing among heart patients? | How CPR can help save a person's life in an emergency?

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Why is the number of young people increasing among heart patients?


About 20,000 people die every year due to CVDs i.e. Cardiovascular Disease. We will tell you this and understand why the heart of people is getting old in India. Why is the number of young people increasing among heart patients? Is CPR a panacea when it comes to a heart attack and Is there any awareness among people about CPR in India?

Also, why is the AED device a protective shield for heart patients? Is heart disease dominating the youth? Is the age of 40 and the heart turning 70 in India? Don't be surprised, this is the truth. According to the Indian Association, 50% of cases have been found in people 50 years of age or less, while the cases of a heart attack in people 40 or less are close to 25%.

During a dance drama in Jammu, a 20-year-old boy suffered a heart attack, he fell on the stage itself and died there. The people present around considered it a part of the same dance but this is not the only incident. When someone has had a heart attack like this and the people around do not understand what to do.  Had he been given CPR on time, he might have survived. 

In such a situation, all need to know what kind of treatment is required to be given to the victim of a heart attack first. Earlier, the death of singer KK was also giving all the signals of a heart attack. Actor Siddharth Shukla, Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar, and comedian Raju Srivastav died of a heart attack. Death has sparked debate many times as to what could be the reason for the youth coming in CVDs.

Doctors are blaming stress and poor lifestyle for this. Today's issue may be related to heart disease, but we will talk that if someone has a heart attack and there is a possibility of delay in reaching the hospital or in the arrival of the doctor, then how should the patient be given treatment first to save his life? And it is important to know what are the reasons for the increasing number of youth with heart disease.  

For now, to keep the heart healthy. Especially young people who are in the grip of heart disease, along with changing their lifestyle, will also have to control poor diet so that the risk of the heart can be reduced. Doctors are acknowledging the increasing trend of cigarette alcohol as well as the deteriorating eating habits of the youth for the increasing cases of heart. 

In such a situation, along with healthy food, regular exercise, and distance from tobacco and alcohol, some tips like control of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol level, and obesity will have to be adopted to keep yourself away from heart disease. However, if we talk about the initial symptoms, then the patient starts sweating continuously without any reason. There is mild or persistent pain in the chest. People ignore it as gas. 

Apart from this, the emergence of pain in the left arm, shoulder, and back along with difficulty in breathing, restlessness, and nervousness can also be a big sign of a heart attack. If such symptoms are seen, the person should immediately contact the doctor and get necessary tests like ECG done. Never take chest pain lightly because a heart attack is like a silent killer. In such a situation, caution is the biggest security.

How CPR can help save a person's life in an emergency?

According to the information gathered from experts, if the patient's condition is serious, then the patient should be given Disprin or Asprin immediately. It works to prevent blood clots. If there is a heart patient in someone's home, then Sorbitrate 5mg tablet can be placed under the tongue of the heart attack victim. This gives relief from chest pain, but adopt these measures only after the advice of doctors, not ours. 

Never stand surrounded by the patient. This affects the flow of air and the patient may feel suffocated. The more open space, the better the patient's comfort in breathing. If the patient is wearing any tight clothing, loosen it immediately. By doing this the patient will find it easier to breathe. In some cases, the patient is unable to breathe or his pulse is getting weak, in such a situation the patient should be given CPR immediately.

To give CPR, bring the hands between the chest. Press the patient's chest with all your pressure. Due to this the heart starts beating and blood starts flowing. Keep in mind that CPR should be given only if the patient is in a state of unconsciousness. You can gather information from experts about how CPR is given. 

Talking about the initial symptoms of a heart attack, the patient has constant sweating without any reason, and light or persistent pain in the chest is its basic symptom. If the patient is unconscious, then help should be taken with an Automated External defibrillator (AED) device. This device has proved to be very effective in terms of heart. The matter of the heart is delicate, so it is very important to take care of it. 

With a little care and health awareness, we can keep heart disease away from ourselves. We hope you like the article and hope you learned something new today.

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