Has China's ban added to Apple's troubles? | If XIAOMI, OPPO, and HUAWEI want to do business in India then they have to follow the rules.

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What's going on in china? Has China's ban added to Apple's troubles?


Apple employees are running away from the company, because there is a lockdown in China and due to this, Apple has imposed a lockdown in Foxconn. This lockdown in China is becoming a hindrance to the production of Apple-14. Now the shadow of Corona is almost all over the world, but the birthplace of Corona i.e. China is still battling this epidemic.


There Corona is raising its head again. Under the zero covid policy, wherever cases of infection are found in China, the Chinese government has imposed restrictions and lockdowns. But you know who is bearing the brunt of such restrictions? You would say that the general public there is right. The common people there are facing problems.


But at this time if the problem has come to anyone, then it is on Apple and its employees, the situation is now that the employees there are running away from the company by climbing on the wall. Because of this, the production of Apple-14 has stopped. What is going on in China, has Corona become a crisis for people's jobs? Could China's ban add to Apple's troubles? Let us know in today's article.


The situation is not good in Zhengzhou city in China's central Henan province. This is the same city where Apple iPhone maker Foxconn has its biggest factory. According to the report, Apple's employees are so scared that they are playing for their lives, even running in injured conditions by crossing the factory wall and barbed wire. That is, there is more fear than Corona from the restrictions being imposed in China.


Let us tell you that more than 2 lakh employees work in Foxconn's plant. About one million people live in Zhengzhou city. In China, restrictions have been imposed on all these people under the zero covid policy. The people there cannot go anywhere nor can they leave their homes. Government notices have been given to the people there. 

The people living in the house should stay at home and the people working in the factory should stay in the factory. That's the only problem. For the people living in the house, all this will still be tolerated once, but how right is it to keep working like a hostage in the factory? This is the reason why Foxconn employees are running away from the company. 

As per the current information, on November 2, seven days of static management has been implemented for Foxconn. Static management in the local language means lockdown i.e. people working in the company cannot come anywhere for the next seven days. He will have to spend day and night in the factory away from his family. 

But perhaps people have already become so upset with the lockdown caused by Corona that now they are not ready to accept such restrictions. That's why people are running away by jumping from the thorny walls of the company even in injured condition. However, iPhone supplier Foxconn has tried its best to woo its employees to prevent employees from running away like this. 

The company has quadrupled the daily bonus of the employees to prevent them from running away. The one-day bonus for assembly line workers has been increased to 400 Yuan, or approximately ₹4556. Foxconn has also announced that those who worked more than 25 days in a month in the world's largest iPhone factory will be given a maximum bonus of 5000 to 15000 Yuan i.e. ₹ 56,952 to ₹ 1,70,875. 

Why the company is doing this is also a matter to think about. Foxconn is currently in production of the iPhone-14 and the company does not want the company to suffer any interruption in the work due to the departure of the employees. But will people understand this? Can the restrictions imposed in China become a hindrance to the manufacturing of iPhones? Only time will tell this coming.


If XIAOMI, OPPO, and HUAWEI want to do business in India then they have to follow the rules.


The Government of India thinks a lot about the business ecosystem of its country and the business of local companies i.e. local corporate businesses. How to care for them and how to support and grow them. The government is well aware and the news has come. If you want to do business in India then follow some rules.


Now let's try to tell you the whole news in detail. The central government is considering the business of Chinese electronic companies in India. For this, a condition was laid by the government for these Chinese companies. Only after accepting this condition will they get entry into the Indian market. Now know what all that is. Hi-tech electronic manufacturing companies that want to do business in India will have to do joint ventures with Indian companies.


That is, foreign electronic manufacturing companies can start work in India with a partnership, but the share of Indian companies will have to be more in partnership. Let us tell you that this rule of the central government is not only for the companies of China but also companies from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and European countries will come under it. Now let us tell, under whose control the joint venture will be held.


Foreign electronic manufacturing companies can start work with India, but they will have to put in more partnerships than Indian companies. In addition, the full control of the joint venture will rest with the boards of the Indian companies. At present, no final decision has been taken in this regard, but the final decision will be taken as soon as the joint venture rules are made.


Now we know the intention behind this scheme of the government. Not all proposals of manufacturing companies of neighboring countries will be passed in India, as it will affect the business of local companies. However, if hi-tech companies from neighboring countries want to do their business in India, they will be given a chance in joint ventures and the government will consider the proposal of such companies.

Along with this, the government will also identify those domestic companies with which joint ventures of foreign companies can be formed. Let us tell you that the number of companies doing electronic manufacturing work in India is very less, but India is expected to benefit tremendously from this scheme. Joint ventures with foreign companies will help in technology transfer in India, which will benefit the electronics industry immensely.

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