Is it easy to earn money from Stock Market with new techniques? | SEBI changed the rule of IPO listing and mutual funds.

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Is it easy to earn money from Stock Market with new techniques?


Will it be very easy to earn money in the stock market now? Will everyone benefit from the market now? Are you also going to get rich soon? This question is being raised because the news that has come will surely raise these questions in the minds of the people. What is the full news and how is it possible? 

Today we will discuss this. By now you must be familiar with the term ChatGPT, and most people would be using it too. But recently the news about ChatGPT surprised everyone. Recent media reports claim that Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT has outperformed some popular investment funds in picking stocks. 

In an experiment conducted between March 6 and April 28 by a financial comparison site, ChatGPT selected 38 stocks that gained 4.9% in their portfolio. At the same time, 10 leading investment funds recorded an average decline of 0.8%. In such a situation, many people have hope that the arrival of ChatGPT can bring a big change in the business world. 

Funds with a diversified portfolio created by ChatGPT have given handsome returns as compared to the stocks suggested by the fund manager. Let us tell you that fund managers select such funds which can give better returns to the investors. During this period, the S&P 500 index registered a gain of 3%. 

It also revealed that the portfolio suggested by ChatGPT gave better returns to the investors as compared to the fund managers. In such a situation, it is expected that in the future ChatGPT can challenge many tasks based on human intelligence. The companies in whose shares ChatGPT has advised to invest had less debt. Also focused on their growth history. 

Among these companies were major companies like Microsoft, Netflix, and Walmart. Making investment decisions based on ChatGPT advice is still new, but with time to come, it can improve and give much better results than fund managers. Overall, the figures are saying that taking support of ChatGPT for investing in the stock market will be a profitable deal. 

ChatGPT has come recently and has become increasingly popular. Everyone is still talking about its merit regarding the stock market, but its de-merit should also be seen. Further analysis will be done on this from the expert's side, as well as we should give it some more time and keep testing it with caution so that its real result will be known after some time. 

Now ChatGPT is new, it will not be right to trust it completely. Yes, if it gets better results in the coming days too, then definitely it can prove to be a boon for the stock market and investors.

SEBI changed the rule of IPO listing and mutual funds, what will happen next?

SEBI, the regulator of the Indian stock market, can make major changes in the rules of IPO and mutual funds. Markets regulator SEBI wants to speed up the process of listing shares. What is the planning of SEBI now? Let us try to understand in detail. Market regulator SEBI has proposed new rules for the early listing of IPOs and to prevent malpractices in mutual funds.

SEBI has proposed to reduce the timeline for the listing of an IPO ie Public Offer in the stock market. It is proposed to reduce the time for listing from t+6 to t+3 days. Now let us know what will be the benefit of this proposal to the companies and investors. After the closure of the IPO, the time taken to list the shares of the company can be reduced. 

The company bringing IPO will get money soon, which will make it easier to do business. Apart from this, common investors will also get shares soon. This will lead to ease of doing business. Let me tell you, SEBI has been continuously changing itself for some time. That's why SEBI has also sought opinions from people on this proposal. 

Not only this, it was also said in SEBI consultation paper that the proposal has been prepared after a lot of deliberations. For this, extensive discussions have also been held with all the concerned parties including banks, depositors, registrar, NPCI, and stock exchanges. SEBI also wants the general public to give their opinion on this proposal. If you also want to give your opinion on this proposal, then you can also give your feedback. 

Now let's know what is IPO, and how to invest in it. IPO stands for Public Offer. Through IPO, the company has raised money through shares for the first time. Retail i.e. small investors invest small amounts in the stock market through IPO, and institutional investors i.e. big institutions, and corporates like LIC invest. For an IPO it is necessary to have a demat and bank account.

A minimum number of shares i.e. minimum quantity has to be bought in IPO. This is called a lot size. Now you also get to know what rules are being proposed to prevent irregularities in mutual funds. The responsibility of creating this institutional mechanism will be on the management of the mutual fund company. 

If this mechanism is not made then MDC and compliance officers will be responsible. Emphasis will be laid on increasing the supervision of the staff having important information. Those knowing fund management investment will be monitored. Monitoring will also be planned through recorded CCTV footage of email chats. 

If in doubt, trading history track and lifestyle will be monitored. Explain, SEBI wants to make the whole process transparent and easy with these steps so that the interests of the common investor are not harmed. They can easily become part of the market.

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